Recipe for Russian Salad

Recipe for Russian Salad
No Goan Wedding or Party is complete without a Russian Salad.Russian Salad is my Mom's favourite and it has to be part of almost all ocassions celebrad at home! The best part about this recipe that I've shared is that the Mayonnaise is Home-made.This is a creamy salad made out of finely cut boiled vegetables and some fruits mixed with Mayonnaise! It goes well with spicy gravies. Russian salad can also be served on salty Biscuits or Canapés or Croutons. You can also enjoy Russian Salad as a sandwich spread.Do give it a try and share your feedback with me.
Servings 6 people
Vegetables to be used
- 1 Large Potato(cut into small cubes)
- 100 gms Green Peas(after peeling)
- 100 gms French Beans(cut into small cubes)
- 100 gms Carrot(cut into small cubes)
- 100 gms Cucumber(cut into small cubes)
Fruits you can use(optional)
- 50 gms Grapes(cut into small cubes)
- 1 Apple(cut into small cubes)
- 50 Gms Pineapple(cut into small cubes)
Ingredients for the Mayonnaise
- 3 Large Eggs
- 3 Tspn Sugar(You can add more Sugar if you like it Sweet. I like to add a little extra Sugar)
- 1/2 Tspn White Vinegar
- 1/4 Tspn Pepper Powder
- 1/4 Tspn Mustard Powder
- 500 ml Refined Sunflower Oil(Do Not use oils which have strong flavours or else the Mayo won't taste good) You may land up using more or less oil depending on the size of the eggs
Other Ingredients
- 1 litre Water to boil the Vegetables
- 3 Tspn Salt
- 2 Tspn Oil
Method of Boiling the Vegetables
- Clean and Wash all the vegetables thoroughly and cut them into small cubes
- In a Large Vessel, Add 1 litre water, 3 Tspn Salt and 2 Tspn Oil and Place it on High FlameNote:- The Oil helps to keep the vegetables separated and not stick to each other
- As soon as the water starts boiling, add the Potatoes, Peas, French Beans and Carrots into the vessel and let the vegetables cook till doneNote:- Do not over cook the vegetables
- Once the Vegetables are cooked, Transfer them into a strainer and drain off all the water and keep it aside to cool at room temperatureNote:- You can keep the Vegetable stock if you like, to use it in Pulao, Curries, etc. If not using it immediately, you can store it in the deep freezer
Follow these steps to make the Mayonnaise
- Add all the ingredients mentioned under the Mayonnaise section, except Oil, in a big mixer grinder and spin it for about 10 seconds(I use the start and stop method)Note:- Please ensure that the Mixer jar, ring and cover are completely dry before adding the ingredients
- Open the lid of the mixer jar, Add 1 table spoon of oil, cover the lid and spin againNote:- Always use the start and stop method while rotating the mixer while making MayonnaiseToo much pressure on the mixer will push the mayonnaise to split. Hence, always rotate (start and stop) it at the lowest speedAlso, if the mixer is continuously spinning, there could be chances of the Mayonnaise splitting
- Keep adding 1 table spoon of oil and starting and stoping the mixer at intervals till the mixture turns thick
- Once the Mayonnaise turns thick,it is ready to useTip:- To check if the mayo is done, just lift some with the help of a spoon. if it doesn't fall off the spoon easily, it means the Mayo is ready
- If you add all the oil at the beginning or if you add too much of oil in one go, the Mayonnaise will split. So don't be in a hurry
- For those who do not like/eat eggs and still wish to enjoy mayo, you can replace eggs with milk for the mayo(3 eggs = 1 cup milk). All other ingredients and method of preparation stays the same.
- For those who do not like/eat Eggs and still wish to enjoy mayo, you can replace Eggs with milk for the mayo(3 eggs = 1 cup milk). All other ingredients and method of preparation stays the same.
- You can store mayonnaise in an air tight glass jar in the fridge for upto 15days
For The Russian Salad
- Once the Vegetables come down to room temperature, transfer the vegetables into a vessel or bowl and add the cut fruits and cucumber too
- Now add the Mayonnaise to the Fruits and Vegetables and Mix well
- Tuck the Bowl of Russian Salad into the refrigerator and serve once chilled.