Corned Beef & Mayo Croutons Recipe

Corned Beef & Mayo Croutons Recipe
When we were kids, Mum used to purchase canned Corned beef and prepare various delicacies like chilly fry, sandwiches, salads, etc out of it. There was once at a party, wherein we ate yummy corned beef sandwiches and later that night, we got to know that the corned beef was prepared at Home! My mum was so amazed and she's always ready to learn something new. She requested the host for the recipe and the host was so kind to have shared it with my Mum:)It's been years now that Mum & I haven't purchased canned corned beef.Honestly, once you've tried this recipe, you won't really want to purchase the canned version.Enjoy 🙂 🙂
Servings 30 pieces
Ingredients for Corned Beef/Luncheon Meat/Meat Loaf
- 500 gms Beef Mince
- 200 gms Bacon Mince or Bacon (cut into 1 inch sized pieces)
- 1 tspn Cinamon Powder
- 1 tspn Pepper Powder
- 1 Medium sized Lemon (extract the juice of this and keep aside)
- 1/4 tspn Strawberry Red Food colour (optional)
- Salt(if required) (bacon is usually salty so you may not require salt but you can give it a check while cooking)
- 1/2 tspn Maggi cube
- 1/4 cup Water
Ingredients for Crutons
- 15 slices White or Brown Bread
- Oil for Deep Frying
Ingredients for Mayonnaise
- 3 full Eggs (Or 1 Cup Milk for those who Do Not like Eggs)
- 3 tspn Sugar
- 1/2 tspn White Vinegar
- 1/4 tspn Table Salt
- 1/4 tspn Mustard Powder
- 1/4 tspn Pepper Powder
- 1/2 litre (approx) Sunflower Oil (You may need more or less. DO NOT use oil with strong flavours or else the Mayo won't taste good)
- Method for Making the Corned Beef/Luncheon Meat/Meat Loaf:-In a vessel, add all the above mentioned ingredients, mix it well, cover it with a lid and place it on medium flame
- Let it cook
- After 10 minutes, you will notice that a lot of water has oozed out. DO NOT worry.
- Leave the vessel open and let all the water dry out
- Once the water has dried out, turn off the flame, cover it half and let it cool naturally. If u keep it under the fan, the top layer will turn hard
- Once it is cool, make a paste out of the cooked corned beef in a mixer grinder and mix it(only how much you require) with either butter or mayo and spread it on your croutons or sandwiches
Note:-If you're making Sandwiches, Apply the Corned beef and Mayo/butter paste on one slice and apply some Mayo/butter on the other slice and join it together. Cut each sandwich into 2(two) or 4(four) triangles or shapes of your choice and serve.If you you do not add mayo or butter on the other side of the sandwich, there are chances of the sandwich opening up and turning out to be quite dry and messy while eating - You can store the remaining corned beef in the chiller section of your fridge for up to 10 days.
- Notes:--Do not add salt first as most bacons contain salt. It may turn too salty
-Do not add mayo or butter to all the corned beef paste or else if it remains you cannot store this mixture for more than a day. It may get spoiled
Method for Making Crutons:-
- Cut each Bread slice into 4(four) equal squares or shaped of your choice and deep fry them until golden brown and crispy. You can also use an Air Fryer if you have one at home.
- As soon as they are ready, they may be a bit soft to touch. So you have to let them cool at room temperature till they turn crispy. Once completely cooled, you can store croutons in an air tight container at room temperature for up to one week.
- Note:- While frying the croutons, Ensure that the flame is medium and not too high or else the croutons will get burnt
Method for Making Mayonnaise:-
- Add all the ingredients, except Oil, in a big mixer grinder and spin it for about 10 seconds(I use the start and stop method)
- Open the lid of the mixer jar, Add 2 table spoons of oil, cover the lid and spin again
- Keep adding 2 table spoons oil and spinning at intervals till the mixture turns thick
- Once it turns thick, your mayo is ready.
Note:-If you add the oil at the beginning or if you add too much of oil in one go, the Mayonnaise will split. So don't be in a hurry. - Note:- - For those who do not like eggs and still wish to enjoy mayo, you can replace eggs with milk for the mayo(3 eggs = 1 cup milk). All other ingredients and method of preparation stays the same.- You can store mayonnaise in an air tight glass jar in the fridge for upto 15days