Recipe for Goan Kurleo Kodi(Crab Curry)

Recipe for Goan Kurleo Kodi(Crab Curry)

Recipe for Goan Kurleo Kodi(Crab Curry)

“ZAI Gehhhh??” is the beautiful call of the fisher folk at around 11am who used to come with the Basket on her head to sell her fresh catch of fish from door-to-door in the village.
The Two months of Our Summer Holidays were always spent in Goa. The Fresh Fish that we’ve eaten in those years will always be cherished. We always took these small things for granted and now that we live in other parts of the world, all we have left with us is beautiful memories of those simple days, trying our best to re-live those moments in the best ways possible.
Crabs or Kurleo as we call them in Konkani, are one of my favourite of all shell fish. I am usually known to be a person with least Patience(my Bitter Better will be the first to validate this fact). I am known as “gadbad singh” always in a hurry for everything. BUT, when it comes to Crabs, oh Boy! It’s a sight to see how beautifully I slow down to clean and ENJOYYYYYYY every bite of the Crab. The World can wait when I eat my Crabs. It’s like Therapy for me. And I Love how my family watch and admire me eating and then get their crabs and make me clean their share too hahaha!! Sometimes I secretly wish every food was like Crabs. At least then, I would eat slowly, maybe?? I struggle with eating slowly! I JUST CAN’T ☹☹ but I’m trying! I should start using the Crab technique I guess???
My Dad’s friend, uncle Zuze(May God Bless his Soul) we used to call him “Kanta Pitting” (still don’t know what it means) learned about my Love for Crabs. Whenever we would go to Goa, he used to drop his “Coblem” (Crab nets) in the middle of the night around 3am(he always said that it’s the best time to catch Crabs) into the river behind his house and in the morning he would show up with HUGE Crabs for me.
Also, whenever the Village Boys would meet up and I’d hear them say “chol aiz raatik gorovpak ya aami(let’s go tonight to catch crabs)” Iused to get so excited because I knew, the next morning they’d send me some of their catch. I used to be the only Tom Boy among all the village boys. They all loved me and cared for me so much and were always protective about me. I Miss ALLLLL of them and all the fun and masti we used to have. I was given VIP treatment by all of them because I was the only one who could sneak their girlfriends out to meet them. I was their official “POSTMAN” like they used to call it in those days! My fees used to be 1) One lonnnng Bike Ride 2) Take me to the beat show 3) One Citra or the local Rs.5 Top Cola drink …. My Brother married the Love of his Life Sophie, thanks to My Postman skills and all I got was a Rs.2 Cadbury Éclair…..I know right!!!(But he gave me and still gives me lots n lots more than one can ever him to bits...rascal that he is) Hahahah…. Those Days!!!!!! I feel Blessed to have experienced all of that😊
Dad used to Boil the Crabs and give me to eat. Ufff Uffff Uffff The sweetness and freshness of the meat of those Crabs still linger on my palette, unmatched.
In recent years, I’ve slowed down on Crabs thanks to the Health Industry scaring the Bull out of us with the whole “Cholesterol” drama 🙁
However, the other day I couldn’t resist these buggers at the market. They looked so fresh. And I could hear them calling out my name. I had to……. 😊 😊
Course Main Course
Cuisine Goan
Keyword Coconut Curry, Crab, Crab Curry, Crabs, Goan Curry, Kurleo, Kurli


  • Curry Paste(recipe link given below)
  • 4 Sea Crabs
  • 1 Tbspn Oil(I use Coconut Oil. But you can use any cooking oil of your choice)
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 Tspn Tamarind Juice(if you require more. There's already tamarind in the curry paste)
  • 1/2 Tspn Salt (only if required. You can add it at the end. Sea Crabs have some amount of Salt on it already. So check for salt in the curry and add accordingly)


Steps to clean the Crabs

  • These are Sea crabs. You also get Mud Crabs and River Crabs which a Dark in color and their claws are comparatively bulkier than Sea Crabs. This is the front/Top shell of the Crab
    Note: While buying crabs, I've always seen my Mum holding each Crab to check if the crab is heavy. Heavier the Crab, fleshier and tastier will it be.
    Also, while purchasing Crabs, you should get a fresh smell of the sea rather than the pungent/acidic smell of Amonia. If you get even the slightest smell of Amonia, know that the crab is not fresh and could give you a bad stomach. When it comes to any Shell Fish, ensure it is fresh. The colours on the fish will be vibrant and not pale. It will be smooth and not slimy. Any pale greenish, blueish, yellowish color on the claws indicate that the crab is stale.
  • You will be able to easily separate the Top shell from the body of the Crap. Pull it apart as if you're opening a book. For all those who haven't read a book in years, maybe this could be a good start 🙂 🙂
  • This is the back shell of the crab or let's call it the main body(My Science teacher will be very proud of me trying to demonstrate Parts of the Body! ouch 🙂
  • The Abdomen plate(the triangular part) on the shell needs to be pulled off
  • It is soft and can be pulled off easily
  • Remove and discard the long spongy particles from both the sides of the shell. It is usually grey or off white in color.
  • Gently wash the crab under running water. Ensure that the force of the water is not too strong. The flesh of the crab is quite soft. If the water force is too strong, the flesh might shred or come off the shell. Treat it gently.
  • You have a choice to keep the claws or twist and detach them from the body of the Crab. I prefer to detach it for convenience while cooking
  • With the help of a scissor, snip off and discard the flat and pointed edges of the Walking legs(the 6 thinner ones) and the Swimming legs(the two slightly fatter ones)
  • Now the crab will look like this
  • If you like, you can cut the Crab body in the centre into two halves. It's more convenient to cook or if you wish, you can keep it as it is at this stage
  • Heat oil in a Vessel and add the curry paste.
  • Add some water in the mixer in which you made the masala, shake shake shake and put the water in the curry. Bring the curry to a boil. Let the curry boil for about 10 minutes on low heat.
    Note: Let the curry boil well so that there is no raw bitter taste
  • Add the Crabs to the boiling curry and cover the vessel. Let the curry boil for about 10-12 minutes, check for salt and tamarind juice. If required, you can add at this stage.
  • Turn off the heat and enjoyyyyy this super delish Kurleo Kodi with Hot white rice or Pao.

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