Recipe for Hurry Burry Tendlim Bhaji

Recipe for Hurry Burry Tendlim Bhaji
This recipe is a super simple and quick recipe that my Mum makes when we want to have something light and easy. It a nice tangy dish which is best enjoyed Hot chapatis. Do give it a try 🙂
- 500gm Tendli(wash and cut round slices)
- 1 Medium sized Onion – finely chopped
- 1 Medium sized Tomato – finely chopped
- 2 Green chillies – slit
- 4 Medium sized garlic cloves – roughly chopped or pounded
- 1/2 Tspn Turmeric Powder
- 1/2 Tspn Chilly Powder
- 1/2 Tspn Vinegar
- 1/4 Tspn Sugar
- 1 Tbspn Coconut Oil or any other cooking Oil of your choice
- 1/2 Tspn Salt
- 1/4 Cup water
- 4-5 sprigs of Coriander
- In a vessel, heat the oil and add the Onion, Chillies, Garlic, Tomatoes and sauté for about 5 minutesNote: Not necessary to wait until the onions turn golden
- Add the cut Tendli into the vessel and add the water, salt, vinegar, sugar, turmeric powder, chilliy powder, mix it until all the tendli gets coated with all the spices, cover the vessel and allow it to cook on low heatNote:Salt helps in releasing the moisture from the vegetables. But since tendli doesn't contain alot of water, we add water while making tendli bhaji
- After about 10 minutes, take off the lid and give it a stir and check if there's enough of water, cover the vessel and let it cook further
- After about 10 minutes, take the lid off and check if the tendli is ready. If the Tendli is ready, add the chopped coriander, turn up the heat to high, give it a stir and allow it to cook until all the water evaporates.The Tendli Test: 1) Once the Tendli is ready, it will change color to light green. 2) The inside of the tendli will turn glassy/transparent
- Once all the water evaporates, turn off the heat.Enjoy this super simple, tangy tendli bhaji with Hot Chapatis or as a side dish with your regular Rice and Curry.