Recipe for Rava Fried Beef(Goa’s Famous Cutlet Pao)

Recipe for Rava Fried Beef(Goa's Famous Cutlet Pao)
Some call them Steak Pao, some say Cutlet Pao but in Goa, it's CART-LACE Pao! Oh YesssWhen my stomach screams *Goa* this is what i do in my kitchen. Beef cutlet pao With my favourite salad with a little watery ketchup My Goa trip can never be complete without the Famous Cart-lace Pao. This is the famous Street Food in Goa. You will find a Cutlet Pao cart at almost every corner of the village and the best part is that every cart is always filled with customers! However, the BEST Cutlet Pao I have eaten in Goa is the one made by Salu and his Wife at the cart at Candolim Tinto(The local market place). It is Fresh, filled with Authentic flavour and the filling is just AWESOME! It's usually 2 cutlets in one Pao or Poie, the local Goan Bread. You will find Salu's cart flocked with people coming from nearby villages and far off places too. He earned his fame through his dedication and hardwork and sincerity. Till date, the quality and taste of the cutlet pao remain the SAME(not even similar). If ever you're in Goa, please do visit his cart. It's called 'KING KANE' named after his son, Kane. Since Salu is in business, I thought it wouldn't be ethical for me to ask for the recipe of his famous Cutlet marinade. Hence, I'm sharing with you what we make at Home. Now, at Home, whenever we make Cutlet Pao, we no longer call it Cutlet Pao but "Salu's Steak Pao" 🙂 🙂
- 500gms Beef with no fat or skin (cut into palm size ¼ inch thin slices)
- Unroasted Semolina (Rawa) for coating the Beef
- Oil for Frying
Ingredients for Type 1
- 1 Tbspn Vinegar(If you have Palm vinegar even better)
- 1/2 Tspn Kashmiri Chilly Powder
- ½ Tspn Coriander Powder
- ½ Tspn Turmeric Powder
- 2 Tspn Jeerem Meerem Powder
- 1.5 Tbpn Ginger Garlic Paste(This recipe requires a goodamount of Ginger Garlic paste)
- 1 Tspn Salt
Ingredients for Type 2
- 1 Tspn Salt
- 1 Tspn Ginger Garlic Paste
- 1 Tspn Vinegar
- Green Masala
The Green Masala
- 50gms Fresh Coriander with stem
- 20gms peeled garlic cloves
- 10gms ginger
- 3 green chillies
- 1 tbspn vinegar
- 1 tspn peppercorrns
- 1/2 tspn Cumin seeds
- 1/2 tspn dried Coriander seeds
- 1 inch Cinnamon stick
- 8 cloves
- 1/4 tspn Turmeric powder
Ingredients for the Salad
- 1 Cup grated Cabbage
- 1 Tbspn grated Carrot
- 1/2 Onion sliced
- 4-5 sprigs fresh Coriander leaves chopped fine
Ingredients for the Salad dressing
- 2 tbspn vinegar(if you have Goan palm vinegar, even better)
- 1 green Chilli chopped fine
- 1 clove of Garlic chopped fine
- 1/2 tspn sugar
- 2 pinches of salt
- 3-4 drops olive oil(optional)
- Tenderise the Meat with a pounder.Note: Pounding the meat softens the slices and allows the marinade to seep into the meat. This process reduces the cooking time too. If you don't have a pounder, you can use a rolling pin or a pestle to pound the meat.
- If you’re going with Type 1, then wash the Beef slices anddrain off all the water, transfer the slices into a bowl and add all the spicesto the Beef slices, mix well and keep it in the refrigerator for 1 dayNote: Ensure to discard all the water or you can also patdry the beef slices. If there is any water, while frying the rawa will getseparated in the pan.I prefer marinating the Beef for a day as Beef takes alittle longer to cook. The vinegar and salt when added to meats reduces thecooking time. So more the marination time, sooner will the Beef cook
- If you’re going with Type 2, then Wash the Beef slices anddrain off all the water, transfer the slices into a bowl and add salt, vinegarand ginger garlic paste and keep it aside for 30 minutes
- After 30 minutes, add all the ingredients mentioned under the Green Masala section and grind the green masala to a smooth fine paste
- Add the masala to the Beef
- Mix the masala with the Beef slices and keep it in the refrigerator for 1 day
- Next day, in a Pan heat Oil on Medium heat
- Coat every marinated Beef slice with Rawa one by one
- Once the Oil becomes hot, put about 4-5 rawa coated beefslice into the pan(depends how big or small your pan is. Do Not over crowd thePan or else the oil will lose it’s heat and the rawa may start separating itselffrom the beefNote: the oil should not be too hot or else the rawa coatingwill fry faster and in turn get burnt while the beef I not yet cookedAlso, the heat should not be too low either or else the asthe beef is getting fried, the rawa will separate itself from the beefFry the Beef on each side for about 7-10 minutes
- Flip the beef slices to fry it on the other side. You can drizzlesome more oil into the pan incase you find that the oil has reduced
- Once the Beef gets a nice golden crisp rawa coating, you cantransfer the fried beef into a plate or directly put it into a Pao(bread) andenjoy it gorom groom!
For the salad
- In a bowl, grate the Cabbage(I prefer using a potao peeler),Onion, Carrot and Fresh Coriander leaves
- Pour the salad dressing over the veggies and mix it well. And the salad is readyNote: Mix all the salad dressing ingredients in a bowl and keep aside for 1 hour. If you wish you can make this dressing by increasing the quantity and storing it in a jar(refrigerate it) and use it as and when you make a salad
- In a bowl, add the Tomato ketchup and add some Water.Note: Whenever I have used Tomato ketchup as it is, I feel it over powers the taste of the beef and salad. However, if the ketchup is missing, I feel there's a kick missing. When I saw Salu making the cutlet pao I noticed that he used a very runny ketchup. Hence I tried adding some water to the ketchup and that really worked for me. It felt like that hit the spot. This depends totally on you. I have some friends who do not like ketchup so you can feel free to skip this step. Or if you like ketchup as it is, you can use that tooFor me, the runny ketchup completes the Cutlet Pao 🙂
- If you’re in a hurry or have forgotten to make the dressingyou can add vinegar, sugar and salt directly to the veggies and mix it well, ittastes equally good! But pleeeeeease add the salad to the Cutlet Pao, it takes itto the next level! Also, if you have some left over Beef Roast or CafrealMasala, Please add it to the Cutlet Pao…..OOOOOHHHH BOY!!! Yummmmzo!
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Recipe for the Green Masala