Recipe for The Tender Tiranga Pudding

Recipe for the Tender Tiranga Pudding
This recipe is inspired by the Indian National Flag – The Tiranga, on the occasion of the Indian Independence Day which is celebrated on15th August.This Day also happens to be the Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary into Heaven. This feast is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church world wide. And co-incidently, this is the Feast of our parish here in Dubai too– St. Mary’s Catholic Church. I love to celebrate this day with a variety of Traditional delicacies. I try to incorporate the Indian Independence Theme in some of my dishesSince I’ve been waiting to try using Agar Agar powder(I usually use the Agar Agar strands which are a little more challenging to use),I thought why not make a Pudding. I thought since I was looking to incorporate the colours of the Tiranga – Orange White and Green, why not Make a Three Tier Pudding of different flavours. Kiwi, Orange and Coconut is what I thought of for this recipe However it failed miserable as I wasn't aware that Agar Agar doesn't solidify when mixed with anything citrus. So I discarded the entire thing:( 🙁 Being hell bent on using the agar powder that I purchased, I finally made a 3 layered Tender Coconut Pudding and Tender Coconut Jelly and added food colours to keep with the Tiranga! The properties of Agar Agar are very different from gelatin. Gelatin gives the dessert a creamy smooth texture while Agar Agar gives a firm, crunchy texture. So, if you wish to cut the pudding into pieces, I suggest you use agar agar and if you wish to serve the pudding in bowls, then use gelatinSo here’s my recipe for The Tender TirangaThe Mango and Coconut Pudding recipe from Hot Thai Kitchen on youtube inspired me to try the layers
Ingredients for the Coconut Jelly(Divide the ingredients into 2 halves)
- 2 Cups Coconut Water
- 6 Tbpn Sugar
- 1.5 Tspn Agar Agar Powder(no added sugar, flavour or colour)
- ½ Tspn Vanilla essence
- 1 drop of Green food colour
- 1 drop of Orange food colour
Ingredients for the Coconut Pudding
- 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk(I prefer using store bought since it has a better texture for Pudding)
- 1/2 Cup Tender Coconut Water(if you do not have access to this, you can use 1.5 Cups of Coconut Milk in total for this recipe)
- 3 Tbpn Sugar
- 3/4th Tspn Agar Agar Powder(no added sugar, flavour or colour)
- 1/4 Tspn Vanilla essence
- If you have the flesh(malai) of the tender coconut, please use that too. You can either make a pureè in the mixer grinder or just cut it into pieces
Follow these steps to make the Green Coconut Jelly
- In a vessel, add 1 Cup Coconut water, 1 drop Green food colour, 3 Tbspn sugar, 3/4th Tspn agar agar powder and 1/4th tspn vanilla essence and stir it well and then bring it to a boilNote: Add the agar agar into the vessel before boiling. When you add agar agar to hot liquid, it clumps up. So, this point is very importantNote: Since I wanted to keep with the Independence Day theme, I used Green and Orange Food colours. So you can skip the food colours incase you're making a simple pudding
- Pour the Green Jelly mix into a Glass Bowl or Silicone Bowl and let it cool at room temperature.Some Gyaan:1) Pour the jelly liquid into the bowl from the closest distance possible because when you pour it from a height, sometimes bubbles form due to the force in which the liquid falls into the bowl2) You can pour it gently with the help of a ladle or pour it over a spoon so that the liquid gently falls into the bowl3) Keep the same measuring Cup/ladle for the layers so that all layers are equal. It looks more presentable when all layers are equal4) DO NOT tuck the bowl into the refrigerator. If you want a layered dessert, always note that the previous layer has to be firm but slightly warm before pouring the next layer and the next layer has to be warm or hot This will help the layers stick together and while cutting the pudding, it will not fall apart. Sometimes, whenwe are in a hurry, we tend to tuck the pudding into the refrigerator to make the pudding firm faster. But when the previous layer turns cold, and we pour a hot liquid over it, the layers will get separated when serving it chilled5) DO NOT make the MISTAKE of cooking all the layers at the same time since the layers need to get firm before pouring the next layer. While pouring it into the bowl, it has to be in liquid form. Once it begins to solidify, you will not be able to pour it. If all are cooked at the same time, the mixture will come down to room temperature and will start solidifying.
Follow these steps to make the Tender Coconut Pudding
- In a bowl add all the ingredients under the Coconut pudding section and bring it to a boil and turn off the heatNote: Keep the heat medium as Coconut milk tends to split at high heating point. Also, keep stirring the coconut milk or else it may split
- Pour the hot coconut pudding mix over the Green Coconut Jelly. Note: Keep in mind to use the same measure you used for the Green pudding
Follow these steps to make the Orange Coconut Jelly
- In a vessel, add the remaining 1 Cup Coconut water, 1 drop Orange food colour, 3 tbspn sugar, 3/4th tspn agar agar powder and 1/4th tspn vanilla essence and stir it well and then bring it to a boilRemember to: Add the agar agar powder into the vessel before boiling. When you add agar agar to hot liquid, it clumps up. So, this point is very important.
- Pour the hot Orange Coconut jelly liquid on the White Coconut pudding and tuck the bowl into the refrigerateNote: Always ensure that the previous layer is firm and not soft or wobbly and only then pour the next hot layer. This helps the layers get stuck to eachother and does not get separated or fall apart when serving
Demoulding the Tender Tiranag
- It takes atleast 2 hours in the refrigerator to become completely firm. Run a knife around the pudding to loosen the edges and transfer it into a bowl(this is optional. You can serve it in this bowl itself if you do not wish to cut pieces
- This is the mistake that I made. I posted it to show you so that you don't make the same mistake. I cooked the Orange and the Green Jelly at the same time and by the time it was time to transfer the Orange jelly into the bowl, it got a little clumpy and i re-heated it and poured it but it didn't become very firm. You can see it in the pic.So, the most important tip is to cook each layer only once the previous one becomes firmYou can also make a two layered Pudding and Jelly and go upto how many ever layers you wish. Or you can just make ONE single pudding or jelly, totally your call
- I'll go and enjoyed my Green Coconut Jelly and Coconut Pudding with my Orange Coconut Sorbet! hahahahahaha Feel FREE to eat an extra piece! Happy Independence Day and Happy Feast! Enjoyyyyy