Recipe for Goan Prawn Pulao

Recipe for Goan Prawn Pulao
The minute I hear “Prawn Pulao” it rings this extremely exciting Bell in my head that bursts with flavour and I begin to smell the sea in my head! Wowwww!! Prawn Pulao is such a Goan thing and you will find it in most Goan homes on a Sunday afternoon with some salad and prawn chilly fry on the side! Sorted! Very recently, my friend, The Extremely Talented Wendy Zuzarte, who goes by the Fictitious Name 'Succorine Bai', asked me if I had a Prawn Pulao recipe on my blog as she wanted to share it with someone asking for it. As I began telling her how to make it, she said “No ya! I want a proper recipe” Now when you’re a HUGE FAN of someone who has stolen so many Hearts, who manages to Crack you up in splits with every act, who Has earned immense respect from and Gives immense respect to Goans in Goa and Worldwide by her hilarious acts and who makes you smile, be it her real self or her fictitious character, requests you for something, You have no choice but to do it all for that person as a mark of Love, Respect and to Say Thank You for the Happiness!While Succorine Bai is a Simple Person And A Straight Person, so is Wendy Zuzarte😊 While SB is Funny, Crazy, Wity and Hilarious, Wendy Zuzarte is a Beautiful Human Being, Caring, Loving, a Great Friend and the Best part is that when she Loves she Loves FULL, no filters! Her motto for all of us is “Khuxalponna raav… means what? Stay Happyyyy” Do check out her page on Facebook- SOGLENCHEM SUCCOURINE. Dedicating this Prawn Pulao recipe to Amchem Soglenchem Mogal Succorine Bai. Thank you for the Happies! Thank You for the Smiles! Thank You for the Gift of YOU! 😊
Servings 4 people
- 2 Cups Long Grain Basmati Rice
- 250 – 300gms Medium sized Prawns(approx25pcs) or small Prawns(approx 40 pcs)
- 4 Green Cardamom
- 4 Cloves
- 6 Pepper Corns
- 5-6" Cinnamon sticks
- 4 Dried Bay leaves
- 1 Tbsp Pure Ghee or Oil
- 1 Tbspn Oil
- 2 Medium Sized Onions – chopped fine
- 1 Medium Sized Tomato – chopped fine
- 2-4 Green Chillies – chopped fine)
- 4 Veg Stock Bouillon Cubes(approx 24 gms)
- 1/2 Tspn Sugar
- 1/2 Tspn Turmeric Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Salt
- 1 Cup Coconut Milk(optional)
- 3 Cups Room Temperature Water(if you're not using Coconut Milk, then use 4 cups of water)
- In a large wide vessel, place the prawns in some water
- Take off the Head, Tail & Shell of the Prawns and transfer the cleaned prawns in another bowl
- You can either discard the Heads and shells or In that same vessel, you can add some more water and boil the Prawn heads and you can use the Prawn Stock for the Pulao
- With the help of a sharp knife, Slit the back of each Prawn in the centre and remove the black string like object.Some Gyaan: The black string in the prawn is it's digestive tract. The darker the string the higher the level of dirt. Hence it's always advisable to take off the string for hygiene and digestive purpose. The process of taking off the black string is called 'deveining'
- Place all the prawns into a bowl and apply 1 tspn salt. Mix it well and keep it asideNote: If the Prawns are too Big or Medium you can cut each Prawn into two pieces. If the Prawns are Big, I prefer cutting them so that the Prawns are spread all across the entire PulaoIf you can manage to get your hands on some tiny prawns or small prawns, Think No further, just go for it and use them up for your Pulao .They are most flavoursome for Prawn Pulao!
- Before keeping everything ready for the Pulao, soak the rice in Room Temperature Water for about20 – 30 minutes or soNote: Soaking the Rice for sometime before cooking, is the 1st secret to your Fluffy Long Grain Pulao
- In a large vessel, add 1 Tbspn Ghee and 1 Tbspn Oil and place it on medium flameNote:- This is the 2nd secret to your Fluffy, Grainy, Long Grain, Non-Sticky Pulao – Larger and Wider the vessel, better the quality of the pulao. The reason why Pulao becomes sticky and lumpy is because we tend to make large quantities in small vessel sand the rice grains do not get enough room to fluff up well.The 3rd Secret – The Pulao becomes sticky if the Rice is still has starch on it. Hence, it’s very important to wash the rice until the water runs clear
- Once the Ghee turns hot, add the whole spices – Pepper corns, Cloves, Cinnamon, Green Cardamom and Bay leaves and cover the vessel with a lidNote:- Whole spices tend to splatter in hot oil. So, it’s always safer to put a lid on
- After the whole spices start to release it’s aroma, add the chopped Onions, Tomatoes and Chillies, stir well and put the lid on
- Once the Onions begin to turn to brown, add the Prawns and saute it wellNote: Do not put the lid on or else the Prawns will begin to release water. For Prawn Pulao it’s always better if the Prawns get a slight crunch on it rather than it being soft
- After about 6-8 minutes or so, wash the rice very gently till the water runs clear(around 3-4 times)drain off all the water completely from the rice and add it into the Pulao vessel Note: Ensure the water pressure of the tap is not too strong or else the Rice grains, being delicate, may breakAlso, while washing, be very gently and do not apply too much force or pressure or else the Rice grains tend to break
- Add the Water(or Prawn Stock), Coconut Milk, Bouillon Cubes, Sugar, Salt and Turmeric powderNote:- Always use the same cup for measuring the rice and water. I always make Pulao with 1:2 ratio. 1 cup rice and 2 cups water. Since I’m using 1 cup Coconut Milk, I’ve reduced the Water content by 1 cup.Also, the rice and cubes ratio is always 1:2 i.e. 1 cup rice and 2 Buoillon cubes(12 gms)
- Now with the back of a fork, very gently give it just 2-3 stirs and cover the vessel with a lid and increase the flame to highNote:- This is the 5th secret to keep your rice grains long is to not disturb the rice by stirring it rigorously or stirring it too many times
- Let the pulao cook until all the water has evaporated.Note:- Do not stir the Pulao at all. Also, do not keep opening the vessel to check if the water has evaporated
- You can open it once after 10 minutes and Then maybe after another 10 minutes or so. You can check once with the help of a spatula, from the sides, if the water has evaporated.
- Once there's no more water left, turnoff the flame and take the Vessel off the burner and keep it on the kitchen platform with the lid closed for 10 minutes
- After 10 minutes, open the vessel and keep the lid ajar(slightly open) for the next 20 minutes or so
- And then it's time for you to dig into your Pot full of that extremely flavour packed Goan Prawn PulaoNote: Before serving yourself, very gently, separate the grains with the back of a fork
- Enjoy!