Recipe for Crispy Fried Kheema Pattice

Recipe for Crispy Fried Kheema Pattice
“What for Chai?” is a line very commonly used at my place as soon as we are done with lunch or sometimes even during Lunch. Evening Tea time snacks has been such an exciting meal of the day for many families. I always wondered why and all I can ever think of is could be because everyone used to be back home from school, college, work, etc. and have that meal together as a Family.At my place back in Bombay, the tradition of Evening snacks has been carried on right from my Mom’s schooling days(as told by my late Nana) until now where the grandkids excitedly ask My Mom “Nana what for Chai” 😊My Mom makes different things each day, from Sheera,Filosk,Shevyo,Alle Belle,etc. but one of my favorites are the Deep Fried Beef Patties! Yummmm and especially when Mom puts it directly into our plates Garma Garam! Droooool! I always found it cunningly funny and annoyingly weird at the same time when Mom would call them “Pattice” I would often snap at her or laugh and say(like those cunning kids) “what Pattice Pattice? You get Pattice only in the bakery”. And she would say “These are Goan Homemade Pattice, what you know, don’t be extra smart ok” hahahah (Mother-daughter madness). As I grew and got to know that these are actually what we Goans call them, the joke was on Me & all I I had to do is quietly zip it! Hahaha Yeah Yeah! MOM is ALWAYS right!!! 😊This savory snack is made usually using leftover Chapati Dough and leftover Dry Beef Mince (atleast that’s what my Mom does). It is so delicious and crispy and with some ketchup on the side, life is Beautiful😊Do give these Pattice/Patties a try!
Recipe for the Outer Covering. Click on the link
Recipe for the Dry Mince. Click on the link
Follow these steps to make the Patties
- In a skillet, add oil for Deep frying and place it on medium heat.Note: If the oil is placed on high heat, the outer covering will get cooked quickly and will turn dark while the inside might remain raw
- Make Medium sized balls of the Dough
- Lightly flour the kitchen surface with wheat flour and flatten each dough ball with the help of a rolling pin. Similarly, Roll all the dough balls
- Now place all the flattened outer coverings(chapatis) on the kitchen surface and add approximately 1.5 Tbspn of the Kheema in the centre of each chapati
- Dip your finger into the water bowl and spread some water around the edges of the chapati and fold from left to centre and press it in the centre so that it doesn’t open up
- Then, fold it from right to centre and ensure to sticks it wellNote: If you do not add water, the pattice will open up while frying
- Next, Press the Top and Bottom edges, apply some water, fold and sealNote: You can use a fork to seal it on the edges. That way you can get a nice design too. However, My Mum doesn’t use a fork, so I just follow her simple method
- This is how it will look after it is completely folded and sealed
- Now, once the Oil is Hot, put the folded patties into the oilNote: If you don’t wish to Deep Fry them, you can Pan fry them too. Also, you can use All Purpose Flour for the dough if you’d like them crispier.
- Fry these Kheema Patties on both sides until they turn brown and crispy
- Transfer the Patties on a Kitchen paper napkin
- Enjoy these Fried Kheema Patties for breakfast or as an evening snack with a nice hot cup of Tea or Coffee. These should be eaten Hot and you enjoy them with some yummy ketchup on the side!! Don’t forget to think of my Mum & Me while you go Crunch Crunch Crunch😊