Recipe for Home-Made Mayonnaise(Egg and Eggless)

Recipe for Home-Made Mayonnaise(Egg and Eggless)
Mayonnaise is a mixture made of all raw ingredients emulsified into a Delicious Thick Creamy Spread.At home, I cannot really remember when was the last time we ate store bought Mayonnaise.Ever since my childhood, I only remember my Mum making the Best Mayonnaise I've ever eaten and since she was into catering, she used to make it everyday and it was like a feast for my brother and myself. We both, including my Dad love to eat Mayonnaise with anything! Be it boiled Eggs, Mince Buns, Chicken Sandwiches, etc.Special Thanks to aunty Adeline, who taught my Mum to make this delicious Mayonnaise. She was one of the many people who taught and inspired my Mum and many more Women, to cook delicious food. She was not only an EXCELLENT cook, but also a Beautiful lady who was always ready to share her recipes, techniques and tips to encourage people to cook. I was too young to learn from her but I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to taste some of her delicacies!
- 3 Large Eggs
- 3 Tspn Sugar(You can add more Sugar if you like it Sweet. I like to add a little extra Sugar)
- 1/2 Tspn Salt
- 1/2 Tspn Salt
- 1/2 Tspn White Vinegar
- 1/4 Tspn Pepper Powder
- 1/4 Tspn Mustard Powder
- 500 ml Refined Sunflower Oil(Do Not use oils which have strong flavours or else the Mayo wont taste good)
- Add all the ingredients mentioned under the Mayonnaise section, except Oil, in a big mixer grinder Note:- Please ensure that the Mixer jar, ring and cover are completely dry before adding the ingredients
- Rotate the mixer for about 10 seconds(I use the start and stop method)
- Open the lid of the mixer jar, Add 1 table spoon of oil, cover the lid and spin againNote:- Always use the start and stop method while rotating the mixer while making MayonnaiseToo much pressure on the mixer will push the mayonnaise to split. Hence, always rotate (start and stop) it at the lowest speedAlso, if the mixer is continuously rotating, there could be chances of the Mayonnaise splitting
- Keep adding 1 table spoon of oil and starting and stoping the mixer at intervals till the consistency of the Mayonnaise turns thick
- Once the Mayonnaise turns thick,it is ready to useTip:- To check if the mayo is done, just lift some with the help of a spoon. If it doesn't fall off the spoon easily, it means the Mayo is ready
- Mayo tastes best when chilled. You can use mayo in Salad, Burgers, Rolls, etc. or make a mixture of Shredded Boiled Chicken or Egg with finely cut Cabbage and Lettuce and use it as a Sandwich filling.
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1. If you add all the oil at the beginning or if you add too much of oil in one go, the Mayonnaise will split. So don’t be in a hurry
2. For those who do not like/eat eggs and still wish to enjoy mayo, you can replace eggs with milk, for the mayo(3 eggs = 1 cup milk). All other ingredients and method of preparation stays the same.
3. You can store mayonnaise in an air tight glass jar in the fridge for upto 15days