Recipe for Goan Tesreo/Clams Sukhem(Dry)

Recipe for Goan Tesreo/Clams Sukhem(Dry)
The Tesreo Feast is a Tradition that is being followed since ages, in my village in Candolim, Goa, called Saipem, where all the ladies of the Vaddo(locality) and some Men too(who like to help) come together and Make Tesreo Sukhem for around 350-400 people of the entire village. Every year some family or the other celebrates this feast at the nearby Chapel.The best part about this feast is that Everyone comes together to help in the chopping of the onions, cleaning of the tesreos, scraping of the coconuts, etc. It's a combined effort of all our Muscle Women and some Men too😎😉The feast starts at around 7:30pm with the Litany(prayers and petitions) sung in Konkani(when I was a child it used to be sung in Latin), followed by some more prayers. Once the prayers are done, starts the distribution of Tesreos😋😋😋😋 in a Leaf Dono(bowl) with one Pao! And not forgetting shots of Illosso😉😋😎 (port wine, urrak, feni which are local alcoholic traditional drinks). As a child I used to be closest to those who would serve the wine, I was known as "bebot" which is the konkani for drunken person😋😋🤣🤣This feast takes place during the month of May and I have been part of almost all the Tesreo Feasts ever since I was a little child and I have very Beautiful memories of the Tesreo feasts in my Village(sometimes we naughty little rascals would go right in time only for the tesreo distribution and would miss the Litany🤪🤭🤫🤓)Here's my version of Tesreo Sukhem. It's quite close to what's prepared in Goa during the feast. The only difference is that in Goa, its prepared over wood fire! And that's what makes it extra special and flavoursome!
- 1kg Medium Sized Tesreos/Clams
- 2 Large onions(chopped fine)
- 4-6 Green Chillies(chopped fine)
- 2 tspn Ginger Garlic paste
- 1 Fresh Coconut(grated) approx 200 gms
- 3 tspn Tamarind Pulp(if you like it tangier)
- 15 gms Jaggery(or more if you like it sweeter)
- 2 Tbspn Goan Garam Masala powder(Samare Spice powder)
- 1.5 Cups Water or more if
Follow these steps to clean the Tesreos/clams
- As soon as you get the clams, transfer them into a plastic bowl, cover it and place the bowl into the deep freezer
- Next day, remove the clams from the freezer and let it come to room temperature. You will notice that the shells will open up. Add 1.5 cups of water to the shells
- Split open the shell and transfer the fleshy side of the shell into another bowl and discard the empty side. Let the water be in the same bowl
- Now Tesreos have to be washed(that's what I was taught in Goa by my neighbour aunty Rosy) in the same water, thrice or until all the 'czherr czherr' dirt come out. Basically the fine stones/sand/mud and particles alike. So now you have a bowl with the Tesreos and a Bowl with the water.
- Gently, pour the water in such a manner that you don't disturb the bottom of the water(that's where all the dirt settles down) into your Tesreo bowl and discard all the dirt particles that remain, by washing the bowl.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you feel the water is completely free from any dirt particles😉 It takes about 4-5 times to wash the tesreos. These are the particles that remain
Follow these steps to make the Tesreo Sukhem
- In a vessel, add the chopped Onions, Chillies and Oil and place it on medium flame
- Once the onions start turning translucent, add the ginger garlic paste and mix well
- Once the raw smell of the ginger garlic paste reduces, add the tesreo water, spice powder, jaggery and tamarind pulp. Mix it well and let it boil for around 15-20 minutes
- After 15-20 minutes, add the grated coconut and mix well. Allow this mixture to boil for the next 10-15 minutes
- Add the Tesreos into the gravy and let it boil until all the water dried offNote:- We dont add any salt because Tesreos consists of alot of saltIncase the gravy is salty, add some more water
- Increase the flame to high and allow the gravy to thicken. Let all the water get evaporated
- Once the gravy has thickened and all the water evaporated, turn off the flame and your Tesreo Sukhem is ready! I like to keep some gravy to enjoy with bread.
- Enjoy it with some delicious soft bread! Yummm!
Follow these steps to make the Ginger Garlic Paste
- Add the following into a mixer grinder*100 gms Garlic (skinned and roughly chopped)*60 gms Ginger (thoroughly washed and roughly chopped. Some people like to remove the skin of the ginger. I don't. However, you can do it the way you are comfortable :)-Grind these two ingredients to a thick fine paste-Transfer this paste into an Air Tight container-As soon as the paste is ready, it will be hot, due to the pressure of the mixer rotation. Please wait until the paste has turned completely cool and only then cover it with a lid-Ginger Garlic paste should be stored in the refrigerator. It can be stored up to 15-20 days